

Place Your Patient in Capable Hands

I welcome referrals from dentists across the UK who would like their patients to receive the highest levels of endodontic care.

I can also carry out restorations like crowns, bridges and fillings where needed – but only with your agreement after discussing your patient’s treatment plan in depth. I’ve set out a series of promises to fellow dentists to help the process run smoothly for all.

My Referral Promise

I’ll return your patient after treatment


I’ll only carry out treatments agreed with you beforehand


I’ll provide a full treatment plan with estimated fees before starting


I’ll keep you and your patient informed at every step

Get in Touch

If you have taken a CBCT scan of your patient please send this to me in advance.

Online Referral Form

Referring Practitioner

Patient details

DD slash MM slash YYYY

Referral details

I would like to be present during the consultation/treatment
I would like the dentist to contact me to discuss the case
Has the patient been given an estimate of our fees?
Max. file size: 100 MB.